Sunday, August 06, 2006

Portugese Business Community

I spent most of yesterday at my son, Benjamin's school's annual carnival. By the way what this thing with meat? carni...

Anyway I met Virgilio Da Silva at the carnival and we got to talking. We discussed the tragedy of the portugese language community in South Africa who seem almost totally incapable of standing together in business matters. Virgilio agreed and recalled how he had tried to organize various portugese shop-keepers into a collective in the city centre some years back and despite having gone to school and going to church with these guys, being unable to get them to work together on issues of mutual interest.

It seems that that there is a deep culture of mutual suspicion and competition between members of the portugese community. At least in Pretoria.

If they only could form a collective, they would be able to punch above their individual weight in the supply chain.

Virgilio suggested that only a Portugese priest with deep humility and no financial stake could organize the portugese business community. we know anyone who might do something like this with a community work interest?


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