Friday, July 28, 2006

Full Cost Accounting

Today I was told I'm running far to much ahead of the pack with Alex. proposal so I have taken a bit of break from it.

I instead applied my mind to the ongoing problem of creating a sustainable funding system for the Real economy and non-profit organizations. In the USA they seem to refre to these as Citizen base organizations.

I thought that stakeholder analysis, so much used in business ethics may be fruitfully applied here. Basically the idea that any enterprise should benefit its stakeholders rather than only its shareholders got me to thinking about how the stock exchange is a revenue-generating system based on ownership of stock or shares.

What if we established a Stakeholder Exchange?

NPO's and Real economy enterprises may then float their stakes on an exchange and sell these stakes to raise funds for specific projects. Stake holders would then be able to receive affirmation of their contributions in paper and be able to trade with this paper on the stakeholders exchange.

The underpinning accounting system would have to be far more Real than the current Generally Accepted accounting Practice (GAAP) and would probably have to be a Full Cost Accounting system.

I have found, thanks to one of our collaborators Davin Chown, a Professor of Economics at Pretoria University; Prof. Blignaut and asked him if there are any Fulle Cost accountants out there. Are there any software applications?

If we acn underpin this process using Full Cost Accounting, we could easily establsih the world's first stakeholder exchange in Pretoria by year-end...unless someone else has already done this...


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