Thursday, January 17, 2008

Name of organization: Afrenaus Life Skills Development

Contact person: Veronica Khosa

Telephone: 076 528 9377
Fax: 012 803 7616

Physical address: 316 Kuit Street Waltloo

Company registration: cc 2005/026726/23
HWSETA Status: Programmes and QMS handed-in and awaiting
HWSETA ref. number: TPA 07/02/602
DoL registration: 4863

To empower and capacitate individuals and groups through specialized training

· To enhance life in Africa by providing training that will inculcate responsible behaviour in relation to basic human rights and the acquisition of knowledge
· To co-ordinate support for a sustainable co-operative movement among small business, non-profit organizations and corporate entities

Afrenaus was founded in 2005 to meet the training and development needs of the model for home-based care developed by its founder, Veronica Khosa. The model for Home-based Care has now been replicated in over 890 projects across the country. The organization that tested this model was Tateni home-based services. This model was recently rated among the top six most successful interventions by the World Health Organization.

Tateni was handed over to the community for management and control after it had achieved the WHO standing. This model is accepted by the South African National Department of Health as the most successful tertiary intervention in the country.

Our Achievements
· Successfully trained Ward Committees in Tshwane Metropolitan in 2005
· Trained vulnerable women working in a joint venture with Ofentse.
· Working in a joint venture with Sunstyle to deliver training and after-graduation support
· Co-operative development including Izithelo Co-operative

What does Afrenaus mean?
It is an acronym for African Renaissance National Academy Uniting States


Company and Co-operative Development
The Izithelo Co-operative has been established to offer groceries and food supply to the many non-profit and community service organizations operating in Tshwane. Currently over 25 community service organizations have registered their intention to join the Co-op. and will transfer their current grocery purchases from large retail outlets to the Co-op.

This amounts to a yearly bill of around R8 million. The Co-op is in a strong buying position to negotiate advantageous prices for groceries on behalf of its members. All members in good standing are eligible for yearly dividends based on their purchases.

Training and Development
Short Courses
Home-based care and Palliative Care
Lay Counselling
HIV/AIDS education
First Aid (Emergency Care)
Formal Carrier Pathway Courses
Ancillary health care
Social Auxiliary Work
Leadership Skills
Occupational Therapy

In addition Afrenaus seeks to:
· Offer training and job-related skills
· Provide guidance and motivation to those who are discovering their talents
· Offer career guidance and counselling to all learners
· Design and deliver health education programmes to workplaces focussed on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis within the framework of wellness, safety and infection control.

Advocacy and networking
Afrenaus acts as an advocate for the programmes and needs of partnered community service organizations as well as a referral agent for corporate and overseas partners. To this end relationships are being established with Clover-Danone, the Virgin group and other institutions.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

K8 Co-operative College

Below is a joint venture agreement between Sunstyle and a group of training companies comprising a co-operative college in Waltloo, Pretoria. This agreement took two years of work and collaboartive effort top create.

K8 Joint Venture
Memorandum of Agreement


Afrenaus Skills Development cc
Herein referred to as Afrenaus


Herein referred to as Sunstyle



Herein referred to as

The Identification of Joint Venture opportunities

1. Whereas the founding parties to this contract are tenants at 316 Kuit Street, Waltloo
2. Whereas each party to this contract offers human development services.
3. Whereas all the parties see the benefits that would accrue to their interests should the parties share resources.
4. It is agreed that the parties will form a joint venture called K8 Services.
5. It is further agreed that this joint venture shall be constituted as a Company limited by guarantee as provided for under Section 21 of the Companies Act (Number 6 of 1973 as amended).
6. The objects of K8 will include the provision of :
· Administration services
· Financial services
· Organizational Development services
· Labour Recruitment services
· Management and Strategic Consulting
· Training and Development services
· Marketing services

7. The parties to this agreement agree to collaborate in good faith to promote the objects of K8
8. At all times both parties agree to promote the following values in their relationship:
· Confidentiality and non-circumvention
· Anti-discriminatory practice and non-judgemental attitude
· Individual rights
· Recognition of differences
· Effective communication
9. Any substantive decisions or changes to this agreement must be made by duly delegated representatives of both parties and signed by the Managing Directors of both companies after being properly passed by their board of directors.
10. Termination of this agreement must be made in writing byany party giving at least one calendar month’s notice.
11. Should a dispute arise then both parties agree to first seek to resolve the dispute between themselves. Should this fail, then both parties agree to invite a mediator to assist in resolving the dispute. Should mediation fail then the parties agree to subject themselves to arbitration.

Signed at ______________________ this ________day of August 2005

_____________________ ______________________
For A2B Witness

_____________________ ______________________
For Sunstyle Training Witness